« تقرير « مراسلون بلا حدود

تمّ استدعاء المدوّنة و أستاذة المسرح فاطمة الرياحي و التي تعرف بالاسم التدويني فاطمة أرابيكا من طرف فرقة الشرطة بالقرجاني و ذلك يوم 2 نوفمبر 2009. و بعد أن تمّ إطلاق سراحها في نفس اللّيلة  بعد احتجازها طيلة اليوم تمّت دعوتها من جديد في يوم الغد. و قد رافقها رجال الشرطة إلى مقرّ سكناها  بمدينة المنستير حيث قاموا بتفتيش شقّتها و حجز حاسوبها و تمّ  على ضوء ذلك  اتهامها بالثلب  ولئن لم يتسنّى لحد  الآن معرفة ماإن كانت محاكمتها ستتمّ بالاعتماد على المجلّة الجنائية أو على قانون الصحافةفانه من المرجح أن يتمّ ذلك يوم  9 نوفمبرfree arabicca
و في تصريح لها ادانت  منظمّة  مراسلون بلا حدود  هضم حقوق المدوّنة فاطمة منذ إيقافها معتبرة ان السلط التونسية  تعتمد هذآلاسلوب كذريعة منها  لمحاولة معرفة الشخصيات  الحقيقية للمدوّنين الذين يستعملون أسماء مستعارة وطالبت بالتخّلي عن هذه التهم الموّجهة لفاطمة  و إطلاق سراحها حالا »
و لم تتمكّن فاطمة أرابيكا البالغة من العمر 34 سنة من مقابلة محاميتها  ، الأستاذة ليلى بن دبّة ، إلاّ لمدّة 3 دقائق يوم 4 نوفمبر مما عسر مهمة الدفاع لمعرفة التهم الموجّهة إليها تحديدا
و تتهمّ السلط التونسية المدوّنة  بكونها من يقف وراء المدوّنة المعروفة جدّا Débat Tunisie لصاحبها زاد والذي دأب على عرض  صورا كاريكاتورية عديدة وساخرة للوضع القاتم ولعل ابرز دليل على عدم صحة هذه التهم هو كون الصور الكاريكاتورية على مدونة زاد لم تتوقف عن الصدور
ومن غير المستبعد أنّ تكون مدوّنة فاطمة التي كانت تتحدث فيها فقط عن احلامها واملها في التمتّع بحريّة تعبير دونما خوف او رهبة  قد تمّ قرصنتهاأو اتلاف محتوياتها  منذ أسبوع
يمكن تصفّح المدوّنة المنادية بإطلاق صراح فاطمة أرابيكا من خلال هذا الرابط

9 réponses à “« تقرير « مراسلون بلا حدود

  1. The Ben Ali regime must know that we human rights activists in the United States are following this case and that of other political prisoners in Tunisia. He and his coterie will be held accountable for all crimes.

    M.R. Khan
    UC Berkeley

  2. من أجل إطلاق سراح المدونة الاستاذة فاطمة الرياحي صاحبة مدونة « فاطمة أرابيكا »

  3. ونحن نتابع بقلق إعتقال المدونة فاطمة الرياحي، من إجراءات ظالمة قد طالت تقييد حريتها وحذف مدونتها،نعدكم ببيان وحملة من أخوتها المدونين الليبين سعيا لإطلاق سراحها وسوف نوجه النداءات لكل المنظمات الحقوقية حول العالم

    الحرية لفاطمة

    غيداء التواتي صاحبة مدونة شواطئ


    المشرف العام اتحاد المدونين الليبين


    His Excellencies / General Manager

    Introduction to you by: Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Abdel Razek.( EGYPTION)
    Director of Marketing and Sales for Kunooz Alseha
    Riyadh 11456 PO Box: 24941
    Phone: 00966564222075
    Subject \ \ stolen my rights and my life is sacked and without any offense
    1 – I’m working with Kunooz Alseha (SAUDI COMPANY ) and the transfer of custody under an employment contract between the parties.
    2 – Kunooz Alseha starting from 1/8/2008 to suspend payment of salaries without giving any reasons bowed its history until it reached the period, which did not receive the salary for more than a year .
    3 – After the Kunooz Alseha asked more than once, regardless salaries where I am living with my family and my children to school, but procrastinated Salaries
    4 – my sponsor Dr. Fouad Alwatban Phone 00966500011220 / Executive Director _ in May 2009 asked me to brought a letter to the transfer of sponsorship any other place.
    5 – A letter was to request the transfer till the month of June, and you hand him over.
    6 – They use style of prevarication on me a letter of waiver so that Bargaining relinquish all get paid to have a waiver for giving me a letter and gave me papers to sign it but after reflection, refused to sign. A
    7 – filed a complaint with the Bureau of Labor and Give me a call request, but he did not attend any meetings of the Bureau of Labor and the Labor Office summoned by the police station
    Knowing Sir, my sponsor did not separate me did not give me a warning and dismissal I have not submitted the resignation and did not get paid since August 2008, and therefore I am now hanging my status and my family and I are separated and ask mercy over justice.
    God how I live throughout this period without pay and I could not fulfill MY requirements housing, schools for boys even increased my debts and my sponsor insisted he had no salaries that are not travel warning do not move bail or until a final exit and travel to relinquish all get paid for driving away the friendly and threatening the family so go back to relinquishing my receivables
    Whom resort after God!! To lift the injustice done to. The issue in the office of long-range work no one knows but God.  » I am sitting with no work, no source of livelihood and my sponsor is betting at a time, as the litigation procedures take a lot of time and secondly that the Egyptian embassy is doing nothing and not finding the Egyptians, to ask them. I am deprived of basic human rights, a travel or work and medical treatment I want a solution????
    The surprise was that after the receipt of all the summons of the employment office as well as from the police station and did not attend any of them we find the presence of the agent to give them a false document written by the adoption of a release and signing it is not my signature, and submit it at the employment office to request the transfer case to the primary and tried to prove my statement that this document is forged However, the investigator refused to prove it and therefore sought the command of the investigative work of the competent authorities to establish the fact of fraud, which accused the institution represented by the Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director of the pharmacies
    And upon it sought into consideration, kindness and compassion to intervene to end this tragedy and find a solution to transport sponsor because the current sponsor is the way to the second and not bring me from my country and there is a dispute between him and me the basis of the Employment Office to refrain from exchange SALARIES get paid monthly and annual reports on the past years and it has not issued me any wrongdoing of any kind to the company
    , Or looking for any solution and I am ready for any solution so that I can practice normal life and my family and I find a way pleasing to God and Goodwill get paid to get my order and determine
    1 – A transfer of sponsorship or travel (EXIT) To my country, power of attorney Saudi lawyer to pursue the matter to avoid any problems might have occurred with the knowledge it has not issued me any wrongdoing of any kind to the institution or to any other entity
    2 – get paid financially since 1/8/2008 until 24/11/2009 )end of my contract) decade in what follows that, according to Sahara and law and order and the contract of employment
    3 – Compensation for damage caused by the founder of the psychological and moral damage and damage that struck me from the bad faith of the company’s reciprocating B
    4 – Save my right to refer a forged document to the inquest to establish the fact of fraud to return them legal rights and compensation.
    God made you a victory for truth and God bless you
    Dr.: Ibrahim Abdel Razek
    Master Pharmacology Research Center and researcher in Cairo Email: raziq007@yahoo.com
    May peace and God’s mercy and blessings

  5. i love you be my love

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